Thursday, December 5, 2019

Drawing from a Tarot Deck as a Conflict Resolution System in a TTRPG

I saw a great comment on Reddit about a guy trying to make some sort of RPG system using a Tarot deck. I think he was trying to have each draw set a character or motivation for a player, but of course I'd like to narrow the focus to a mere dice replacement. How would that work? This will be a thought experiment.

As you probably know, a basic Tarot has four suits of number 2 through 10 of each suit, then an Ace, Page, Knight, Queen and King of each suit. Obviously this could make for a random 1 through 14 draw, with slightly less randomness for each card drawn. Not bad. Any given system within the game - percentage chance of success in an action, health, damage, etc - can fit within the number system of the available spread of numbers given to us. Your target number for any chance of a 50/50 success would be 8 or higher. Moving the success number would mirror a change in difficulty. Each card draw is a dice roll.

So what about the Major Arcana? My first thought was that any drawn Major Arcana could be a complication or bonus, but with almost 1/3 of all draws (28%) being a complication, this would make for a LOT more randomness and a lot less dependence on character level or power. I'm not sure if that is best for a a system where we try to maximize fun, but it could be. It would certainly be a boon for game masters who like to throw wrinkles into combat.

As I remember the meanings (or at least one interpretation) of the Tarot cards, I tried to imagine what sort of complications could occur from such interpretations, or even a more literal reading of them. (For example, what if you drew the Tower, and you made some sort of terrain-based fumble? If some structure is rickety, including where you are standing, it falls?) There seems to be two directions I can go, a literal-meaning effect or a fortune telling interpretation effect, which I will call metaphorical.

So, here's a stab at some of the Major Arcana (I might add more in later), and what they might do as an effect. Note that some effects I might make a bit humorous!

Possible Effect 
0, The Fool (Automatic) fail plus a comical catastrophic effect
1, The Magician Success, but you are now "the protagonist" of this fight. (aggro)
2, The High Priestess Success, and you are moved to the front of the initiative order.
3, The Empress
4, The Emperor
5, The Heirophant
6, The Lovers
7, The Chariot Success, but your next action of the same type will fail.
8, Strength You receive a +1 to [applicable will score] for the scene.
9, The Hermit
10, The Wheel of Fortune 50/50 chance (Flip the card in the air, maybe?)
11, Justice If a character is good, success. If a character is evil, fail.
12, The Hanged Man
13, Death Success, delivering instant incapacitation if an attack.
14, Temperance
15, The Devil If a character is good, fail. If a character is evil, success.
16, The Tower Fail, and whatever tool used breaks. Swords break, Thieves Tools snap, a voice goes hoarse.
17, The Star Success, and temporarily lose any exhaustion penalty for the scene.
18, The Moon Success at night, failure during the day
19, The Sun Success during the day, failure at night
20, Judgement
21, The World