Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Phirst Post

Why this blog? Because LJ is blocked at work (and old as heck), FB and Twitter isn't the right format. I even made my own website from scratch, but I've gotten lazy and don't want to update the website for each blog entry.

There's tons of everything in life I need to keep track of. The public stuff is the fun and creative projects.

- Dread the game (Jenga) - if the Jenga tower falls, your RP character dies.
- D&D Next campaign - basic dungeon crawls, but long-term campaign in homebuilt world, Airath. Minimal high drama.
- Ferris Wheel - the fiancee's 80's cover band
- Videotaped tabletop game - If I run a game, tape the fun, then put it on Youtube, would it garner views? Hm.

All this on top of planning a wedding, and work of course. And keeping the woman happy. Fun times.

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